Upcoming new album release: Rio Bravo – Scott Ballew

Texas’ modern renaissance man Scott Ballew announces new album Rio Bravo due out March 29. Photo: Google/Viberate

Austin-born Scott Ballew’s resume is staggering, from his work as Yeti’s Head of Content, directing shorts featuring Ryan Bingham, to more recent independent ventures, including a documentary on Terry Allen and a film, All That is Sacred. A true artistic visionary, Ballew’s latest undertaking is a near-obsessive pursuit of quality songwriting. The medium has changed, but his razor-sharp ability to tell a story hasn’t. Sonically, his music–specifically Rio Bravo–is if Townes Van Zandt was produced by Ennio Morricone. Ballew’s writing is a world of contrasts–poignant but humorous, relatable but cerebral, simple but cinematic. “If you can make someone laugh and cry in the same paragraph, there’s no closer reflection to real life.” (Scott Ballew, 2024)

After an introduction to Terry Allen by mutual friend Ryan Bingham, Ballew’s approach to art (and life) was drastically altered. “[What Terry taught me is that] the audience is irrelevant. What’s important is that you wake up and you show up and you follow whatever it is that’s in your head or your heart.” The ‘showing up’ can be heard on Rio Bravo, a 9 song collection releasing March 29, 2024, via independent powerhouse, La Honda Records.

“People, they don’t change,” sings Scott Ballew on the first line of the first song of his junior album, Rio Bravo—an unexpected remark from a man whose life has been punctuated by personal evolution. A reductive synopsis would be as follows: Texas football star turned film director turned junkie turned musician.

“Writing has become a survival mechanism,” says the songwriter, musician, filmmaker and Texan. “This came to me later in life. I have four decades of experiences, anxieties, and thoughts that I am purging and have found that idle time is not healthy for me.”

Ballew recently shared “Suicide Squeeze,” the first single to be heard from Rio Bravo ahead of its March 29 release on La Honda Records. “I wrote this on a napkin inside Alamo Drafthouse Movie Theater watching ‘Licorice Pizza’ by Paul Thomas Anderson,” Ballew recalls. “Inspired by perfect running montages, I resonated with the kid who had ambitions to take a huge bite out of life.” The screening conjured up feelings from Ballew’s childhood like grandiose schemes or desires for widespread acclaim, or in his words, “the feeling that an older woman, or sports accolades, or some degree of celebrity was necessary to achieve success.”

“Suicide Squeeze” can be streamed today at this link, and Rio Bravo is available to pre-order or pre-save ahead of its March release right here.

Rio Bravo track list (Courtesy Photo)
True Love Can’t Surf
Trouble Darling
Suicide Squeeze
Can You Hear Me Smile
Rio Bravo
Impossible Smile
Old Fashioned
All That Is Sacred
A Funny Masterpiece



  hours  minutes  seconds


Rio Bravo release date

Making it as a streamer

Black flat screen computer monitor on wooden desk. Photo: Roberto Nickson/Pexels.

While it used to be something on the outskirts of the culture, now streaming is a hugely popular thing to do. Not only that, it can even be very lucrative, with many people making quite a lot of money this way. You can approach streaming in so many different ways – gaming is a particularly popular genre – and it’s something that you can bring your creativity to easily in order to make the most of it. Here are some tips that you may want to consider if you are trying to make it as a streamer.

Find Your Niche

First of all, you should think about finding a niche that you can get into. While you might already know the genre of streaming you want to try, you’ll ideally want to get more specific than that and land on a particular type of streaming. So rather than just gaming, are you going to be playing certain kinds of games, or talking about particular topics within gaming? These are the kinds of things you need to be asking yourself if you want to make it as a streamer. It will help you to make much more of your experience and get a lot more out of it.

Behind the scenes of a female content creator. Photo: Ivan Samkov/Pexels

Develop An Audience

It can take time to build an audience with anything, and that’s no different when it comes to streaming. But if you want to make sure that you are developing an audience as well as you can, there are quite a lot of ways in which you can do this, and it’s something that you are definitely going to want to think about. Mostly it’s a case of just doing your thing and seeing who follows, but you might also find that some practical marketing can help too, especially if you want to start making money from it.

Monetize It

Speaking of which, you’ll have to figure out what you can do to monetize the streaming that you are considering. This is something that can be quite simple to achieve, but there are a lot of potential ways to do it and you’ll have to make sure that you are aware of what approach is best for you. As well as that, you’ll need to put the systems in place to accept money. Knowing how to accept credit cards as an adult entertainer is going to help a lot, and it’s worth looking into as soon as possible.

Keep Going

Ultimately, with this kind of thing you really then just need to persist. If you can do that, and keep going, you are going to find that it helps you to make it as a streamer much more effectively, and it’s amazing how much that can help. So make sure that you are keeping at it no matter how hard it seems to get. If you can do that, you’ll find that you end up in a situation where you are really able to make it work for you.

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