Book review: ‘All Systems Down’ by Sam Boush

‘All Systems Down’ is the debut novel by Sam Bousch.  Courtesy photo: used with permission.

Sam Boush is a novelist and award-winning journalist who has worked as a wildland firefighter and as owner of a mid-sized marketing agency. He is a member of the Center for Internet Security, International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium and Cloud Security Alliance. ‘All Systems Down,’ his first novel, is a cyber war thriller that unites a group of strangers whose must depend on each other’s skills to survive the oncoming chaos.

‘All Systems Down’ begins aboard the USS Gerald R. Ford where Lieutenant Kelly Seong and Lieutenant Orion Bether are in the middle of 4a.m. drills. After their communication radios malfunction, they are forced to head back to the supercarrier and are shocked when its lights start shutting down and the instruments aboard their jets start to fail. This is only the beginning of mass cyber-attacks that cause electrical grids to fail, satellites to crash to earth and widespread cell phone and internet crashes. With massive black blackouts across America and a foreign enemy creeping up on its shores, survivors like Brendan Chogan, whose job interview was interrupted by an outage, and Ireana and Annalore, who were on a camping trip, will have to work together to get through the next few days. They are the innocent victims of the North Korean military determined to topple the enemy’s infrastructure.

With his debut novel, Sam Boush proves that he deserves to be listed with the likes of Tom Clancy, David Baldacci and Dan Brown. Right from the beginning, readers are in for a thrill ride as the lives of every day people are abruptly interrupted by a series of computer viruses. Both heroes and villains are well-developed and include various nationalities. The action flows easily from chapter to chapter and even though there is some military and computer jargon involved, it is easy to follow and understand. As cities fall, the scariest animal is a cornered and scared human. Despite being a work of fiction, it is not hard to envision a real-life scenario where worldwide destruction comes via a keyboard. It is a must-read and recommended for fans of thrillers and suspense novels with apocalyptic/disaster storylines. With a subtitle of ‘The Cyber War – Book 1’ hinting of more to come, this series, with its compelling characters and every-day heroes will keep readers asking for more.

*A copy of this book was given via NetGalley for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are solely the author’s.

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