New book release: ‘From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: A Journey of Surrender and Course Correction’ by Chastity Dawn

‘From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: A Journey of Surrender and Course Correction’ by Chastity Dawn. Photo: Amazon

Today’s new book release is “From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: A Journey Of Surrender and Course Correction” by Chastity Dawn. If you are looking for books on spiritual development and guidance, here is some more information about this interesting new book.

Chastity Dawn currently lives just outside the Atlanta, Georgia area. She loves God, people, music, unicorns, Pilates, and bubble gum. Her new book “From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: A Journey of Surrender and Course Correction” is a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of the two paths we all face: the wide path that leads to destruction and the narrow path that leads to eternal life. Chastity Dawn’s writing is like a warm hug from a wise friend: candid, conversational, and 100% relatable. Whether you feel lost in the wilderness or need a course correction on your spiritual journey, this book is the perfect guide to help you navigate life’s challenges and stay on the straight and narrow path. (Chastity Dawn, 2023)

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There is also a companion journal available.

“From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: A Journey of Surrender and Course Correction” – Life is full of choices, but none are as important as the path we choose to follow. This book offers a fresh perspective on what it truly means to not conform to the pattern of this world and to seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. Drawing from her personal experiences of heartbreak and struggle, author Chastity Dawn confronts the false narrative that finding a good church equates with growing in one’s relationship with God. She does this by revealing how stepping away from organized religious activities led her to forge a deeper connection with God.

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