Upcoming new book release: ‘The Wandering Pianist’ by Congyu Wang

‘The Wandering Pianist’ will be released December 27, 2023. Courtesy photo, used with permission.

Memoirs and biographies can be so inspiring to read because they remind us that achieving a dream takes time, dedication, patience, and most of all, hard work. Indeed, nothing in this world comes easy but it does come with an immense feeling of satisfaction. If you are a music lover and enjoy biographies of artists, today’s upcoming new book release might interest you. “The Wandering Pianist” is the inspiring biography by Congyu Wang about living up to his name, though far from the aspirations his parents had for him. It is a story of resilience, faith, and unbridled passion and ambition.

Congyu Wang is an internationally renowned soloist who has garnered acclaim as a recitalist, accompanist, and chamber musician. Born in Singapore, he started playing the piano at the age of 3 under the tutelage of Sylvia Ng. He was selected for a scholarship that enabled him to attend the prestigious École Normale de Musique de Paris, where he studied with renowned French pianists Jean-Marc Luisada and Odile Cartelin-Delangle. His new book “The Wandering Pianist” is a heartfelt reminder that no dream is too big, and no obstacle is insurmountable if one’s passion is unyielding. This book will leave you inspired and deeply moved, proving that the pursuit of dreams is worth every sacrifice, every tear, and every note played. It will be released December 27, 2023 through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other book sellers. (Congyu Wang, 2023)

“The Wandering Pianist” – He defied his family’s expectations and society’s norms. From the very beginning, Congyu Wang was a true underdog, not a musical prodigy, and even once dismissed the piano as being “for girls.” However, one teacher, one movie, and a new status in his young life will drive him to wanting to become a pianist.

Despite the relentless pressure to conform to traditional education and career paths, Congyu’s heart was set on pursuing this dream. Forced to escape the pressure cooker that he was living in, he embarked on a courageous quest that led him to studying at the prestigious École Normale de Musique de Paris on a scholarship at only sixteen years old. His journey wasn’t a fairy tale in Paris, though; it was daunting and sometimes heart-wrenching.

From being homeless and hungry on the cold streets of Paris to navigating the challenges of pursuing his musical ambitions, Congyu’s story is one of resilience, faith, and an unshakable passion for the piano. His encounters with piano masters who he looks up to are set against the backdrop of adversity, heartache, and rejection.

Through the highs and lows, Congyu’s journey is a testament to the power of hard work, passion, luck, and dedication in bringing talent to life. From the depths of despair to finding God’s grace, he emerges not only as a concert pianist but also as a symbol of hope, determination, and the pursuit of dreams against all odds.

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Congyu Wang. Courtesy photo, used with permission.


  hours  minutes  seconds


‘The Wandering Pianist’ release date

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