Book review: ‘Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness’ by Jane Kim Yu

‘Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness’ is the compelling new book by Jane Kim Yu. Photo: Amazon

Dr. Jane Kim Yu holds a Doctorate in Pharmacy from the renowned St. John’s University. From a young age, she dreamt of becoming an author and sharing her vision through artistic creation. This dream came true with the publication of her debut book, “Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness.” Jane’s work is a testament to her three driving passions: eloquent writing, intricate creative expression, and a deep-seated spirituality. These are demonstrated in her life and through her newsletter Soul Secrets, where she discusses hope, love, life, and the beauty of it all from our humanity to our divinity to the grace that guides our life. Her work bridges the gap between the empirical and the ethereal, resonating with readers and art aficionados alike. (Amazon, 2024)

Modern life, with its chaos and overwhelming noises coming from every direction, can leave us in a constant state of anxiety and longing for inner peace. Jane Kim Yu’s debut book is an inspirational journey into healing, higher consciousness, and discovering what makes us uniquely human. She focuses on themes like love and enlightenment to help readers rediscover themselves and reach the ultimate in higher consciousness. The journey into becoming whole again begins with a return to love itself because, after all, we are love incarnate. Love does not mean being in a constant state of nirvana and never experiencing pain, it merely means learning to process our emotions in an effort to get to know ourselves better.

The author shares her experiences, lessons learned, and how her personal journey transformed her and helped her find peace. Her tips for better living include meditation, prayer, walking (spending time in nature), getting involved in music and the arts, writing/journaling, and having a circle of trusted friends and mentors/professionals. I like that the tone of her writing is calm, soothing, and relaxing, without sounding condescending. Hopefully, this book will be released as an audiobook with her as the narrator. The language is poetic and easy to understand, so the words just flow through the pages.

Everybody’s journey is unique, but we all long for peace and living a life with purpose. If you keep an open mind, “Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness” can be an insightful guide to a more meaningful existence. Let the author’s wisdom and soothing narrative propel your own path of self discovery. Namaste.


La vida moderna, con su caos y ruidos abrumadores que provienen de todas las direcciones, puede dejarnos en un estado constante de ansiedad y anhelo de paz interior. Este primer libro de Jane Kim Yu es un viaje inspirador hacia la curación, la conciencia superior y el descubrimiento de lo que nos hace singularmente humanos. Se centra en temas como el amor y la iluminación para ayudar a los lectores a redescubrirse a sí mismos y alcanzar lo último en conciencia superior. El viaje hacia el regreso a ser completo comienza con un retorno al amor mismo porque, después de todo, somos el amor encarnado. Amar no significa estar en un estado constante de nirvana y nunca experimentar dolor, simplemente significa aprender a procesar nuestras emociones en un esfuerzo por conocernos mejor.

La autora comparte sus experiencias personales, lecciones aprendidas y cómo su viaje personal la transformó y la ayudó a encontrar la paz. Sus consejos para vivir mejor incluyen la meditación, la oración, caminar (pasar tiempo en la naturaleza), involucrarse en la música y las artes, escribir en un diario, y tener un círculo de amigos y mentores/profesionales de confianza. Me gusta que el tono de su escritura es tranquilo, tranquilizador y relajante, sin sonar condescendiente. Con suerte, este libro se lanzará como un audiolibro con ella como narradora. El lenguaje es poético y fácil de entender, por lo que las palabras simplemente fluyen a través de las páginas.

El viaje de cada persona es único, pero todos anhelamos la paz y vivir una vida con propósito. Si mantienes una mente abierta, “Viaje al Despertar y a la Conciencia Superior” puede ser una guía perspicaz para una existencia más significativa. Deja que la sabiduría y la narrativa relajante del autor impulsen tu propio camino de autodescubrimiento. Namasté.

*The author was contacted for an honest review. The views and opinions expressed here belong solely to her.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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