Upcoming new book release: ‘Love in Words and Music’ by J.M. Unrue

‘Love in Words and Music: a novel in dialogue’ by J.M. Unrue. It will be released on March 1, 2024. Photo: J.M. Unrue, used with permission.

February is here, so of course, that means so is Valentine’s Day and everything having to do with romance. Romance novels are some of the most popular novels for obvious reasons. Today, I would like to focus on a romantic novel by J.M. Unrue, “Love in Words and Music.” What makes this novel unique is that it is written solely in dialogue form, which makes for a quicker, easier to read experience. It is a love story with plenty of love-language, affection, and humor, making it the perfect novel to enjoy during the most romantic month of the year. Discover Brad and Patricia’s love journey. Pre-order your copy today. It will be released March 1 and is available for pre-order now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

J.M. Unrue is the author of fiction and social satire as fiction, including “God on a Budget,” “The Festival of Sin,” and “A Blunt Grace.” His new book “Love in Words and Music” is an epic love story told entirely in dialogue. At its heart, the book is a love story. Two people meet on a singles’ cruise and build a lifelong-relationship spanning fifty years. They are both bright, articulate, and completely involved with and devoted to each other. (J.M. Unrue, 2024)

“Love in Words and Music” – From the first dance to the last word, an epic love story spanning fifty years. Told entirely in dialogue, an encounter on an ocean liner leads to life and living in the heartland of the American Midwest.

Brad, a psychiatric nurse—solid, steady, and devoted, and Patricia, a college professor—beautiful, free-spirited and passionate, meet, fall in love, and settle in Minneapolis.

A lifelong affair filled with humor, affection, and abiding devotion. Through triumphs and trials, and bonds stretched to the breaking point, love endures. Through fortune and misfortune, love flourishes.
Through setbacks and victories, they remain focused on the life they have built together.

A life. A whole life. Told in words and music. Unrue’s storytelling is a beacon of understanding for the human condition.

Disclaimer: This book contains nongraphic scenes of marital sexual encounters and innuendo.

                                  EXCERPT – reprinted with author’s permission

Age 31 & 28

“Would you consider doing something else?”
“Well, I don’t want to spend my time dealing Prozac to disaffected housewives or adding ‘there there’ to my repertoire.”
“No, but it wouldn’t hurt to patch up mental boo-boos for a while, would it?”
“Probably not. What brought this on?”
“…I guess I’m concerned about how dealing with so much trauma will have a long-term effect on you.”
“I’m handling it okay, I think.”
“For now.”
“…I honestly believe I’m doing some good.”
“No doubt there.”
“Are you really worried about that?”
“Some…I guess I have ulterior motives, too.”
“Oh? You think the VA is hindering my sexual performance.”
“Good, because there’s nothing that revs the glands like a group of damaged
men wondering how it all went so wrong.”

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  hours  minutes  seconds


‘Love in Words and Music’ release date